Cesspit Emptying
We offer a friendly, local and affordable cesspit emptying service. Many householders across the country trust us to keep their cesspits in perfect working order. Regularly emptying your cesspit helps to avoid the risk of overflow, blockage and costly damage to your sewage system and the environment. At WET, we go the extra mile to help you with this.
The frequency with which you’ll need to empty your cesspit depends on the size and type of your tank and the number of occupants living at your property. As a guide, we recommend that you arrange to empty your tank at least every six to twelve months.
A cesspool is a sealed underground tank that simply collects wastewater and sewage. There is no processing or treatment involved. A cesspit is usually located underground with a manhole cover giving access for waste collection.
Cesspits need to be emptied regularly. The time between empties depends on the size of the property, number of occupants and the size of the tank itself it may need to be emptied monthly, quarterly or annually, or any point in between.
If you live in an older home with one of these, there are likely regulations mandating it be pumped and cleaned out on a regular basis.
No matter what type of sewage system your home runs on, you need regular service.